If you're in need of high-quality content related to parents, families, or kids please shoot me an email at
I'm comfortable writing on a variety of topics and have expertise in maternal and child health, young motherhood, and parenting through the early years.
Check out some of my work here:
Want to Raise a Critical Thinker? Try Telling Stories, National Geographic
Silicon Valley wants to "optimize" your breastmilk. Don't fall for it, Salon
How to Introduce a New Baby to Adolescent Siblings, Washington Post
How to Raise Resilient Kids: Advice for Parents, Time
Why it's So Hard to Identify Seasonal Depression in Kids, and How to Help, The Washington Post
Covid Has Invaded Our Kids' Pretend Play. Experts Say it's a Good Thing, The Washington Post
Will a Southern Drawl Close Doors for My Son? New York Times
My Son Has Two Parents. Why Does Daycare Call Only Me? Washington Post
Four Things My Four Year Old Already Knows About Sex, Today's Parent
The Case for Breastfeeding: What Skeptics Miss When They Call it Overrated, Vox
Breast Feeding Moms, It's Okay to be Proud, EverydayFamily
A Simple Note to a Brand New Mother,
When My Son Discovered That Stay-at-Home Moms Exist, Today's Parent
The One Question That Makes My Miscarriage Harder to Forget, Glamour
I Had a Miscarriage and it Forced Me to Rethink Everything I Believed About Abortion, Vox
I Wish I could Hold You All Night Long,
It's Okay to Just Say No, ScaryMommy
What Forgetting the Date of My Miscarriage Taught me About Loving Through Loss, HuffPost
How Le Leche League Saved Me, Today's Parent
Dear Soon-to-be-Mom Trying to Induce Labor, ScaryMommy